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But what will it actually cost?

One of the biggest concerns when engaging a lawyer is how much is this going to cost me. At Oswald Legal we are governed by Legal Profession Uniform Law Act 2022. This means that following your initial consultation with us we have to provide a single figure Estimate* of the total legal costs payable in the matter and the basis of which costs will be charged in writing. This is called a Cost Agreement.

Initial Consultation 

Before we can draft you a Cost Agreement we first need to meet with you to hear about the history of the matter, get to know you and more importantly for you to get to know us to ensure that we will have a great working relationship. During the initial consultation you can anticipate being in our office (or on the phone) for at least an hour. The lawyer will be able to provide you with insight into how they can see your matter progressing and the likely steps needed to be undertaken. The cost of an initial consultation is $440 and is payable on the day.

Basis of Costs Charging 

In the legal world you’ll hear of 2 main ways that costs charged. We use both fixed and hourly rates depending on your matter. Regardless of which Basis of Costs Charging we propose for your matter, you will still receive a single figure Estimate* for your matter.

Fixed Fees 

This is a set price for the provision of a particular legal service where the work to be undertaken is clearly defined and the process for completing the work is relatively certain, for instance, we offer fixed fees for Simple Wills, EDL Applications and Bail Applications to name a few.

Hourly Fees 

This is the most common way legal costs are charged and it is calculated based on an hourly rate. Each of our lawyers and paralegals charges a different hourly rate dependent on their experience and qualifications. These hourly rates will be disclosed to you in your costs agreement. Time is recorded in 6 minute ‘Units’. This means if your lawyer spends 5 minutes making a telephone call you will be charged for 1 ‘unit’ of time.

What does it mean by Estimate?

Apart from our Fixed Fees, all other Cost Agreements are estimates of costs. The reason that they are estimates is because there is always the possibility of more charges being laid, matters being taken to a different court (i.e. magistrates to district court), additional court appearances, bail applications, excessive disclosure just to name a few. Don’t worry though! Anytime we need to update your costs estimate we will notify you in writing first and discuss the reasons why with you.

Do you do no win no fee?

Unfortunately, not, as a small business this is not a possibility for us to offer.

Pension Card & Health Care Card Holder Discounts

We are pleased to offer our hourly rates at a discount of up to 75% for those holding a current Pension or Health Care Card. We will ask to verify this card and will need to check on the validity of your card throughout the period of time you are with us as a client. This offer begins on July 1st, 2023.

First Responder Discounts

For our first responder clients such as those in the Police Force, Firefighters, Medical Professionals, we are pleased to offer a 25% on our hourly fees or 25% off our fixed cost matters.

Do I have to pay upfront?

We use a trust account at Oswald Legal which means we do request a deposit of funds in trust to get started on your matter. We cater this amount to you and your individual circumstances and any unused funds in trust come straight back to you as soon as your matter is complete.


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